Friday, February 14, 2020

Discussion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 49

Discussion - Assignment Example ("Northern Highlands") The types of balance can be different, but the main idea behind all is to provide structure and stability. Moreover, alignment holds that nothing on a page should have an arbitrary position. It is advised to visually connect every item to other elements of the composition in order to create a cohesive and strong unit. Apart from that, the principle of grouping requires placing related items together as far as it adds to the creation of visual cues and reduces clutter. As a result, information looks organized and is better to remember. The next principle is consistency that stays for the adherence to the uniform characteristics of the elements used in order to make them fully belong to a single document. The similar design is expected to be applied to icons, colors, font, spatial relationships and other components in order to unify them under specific â€Å"theme.† Furthermore, the principle of contrast states, â€Å"if the two objects are not exactly the same, they should be made really different.† (msu) Adding contrast to a page results in fueling the visual interest in a page as well as helps to highlight and emphasize the most important elements. The review of the given principles helped me to arrive at the conclusion that, in my opinion, all of them are of the great value for creating a vivid and finite image. Therefore, none of the principles should be considered more important since all of them deal with different aspects of the

Saturday, February 1, 2020

New York Police Department Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

New York Police Department - Assignment Example Particularly in policing and law enforcement, the effectiveness of the personnel involved in the law enforcing process is a major factor of concern. The New York Police Department (NYPD) is such a law enforcing organization that has a wonderful history of promoting social security and communal harmony among the New Yorkers. Since New York is the largest city in the world, the expectations and challenges in the daily life of the people are largely subject to legal implications from the social vulnerabilities. The following points can give a detailed picture of the origin, development and the prominence of the NYPD in the legal and community perspectives. 1. The History of the New York Police Department The New York Police Department (NYPD) is one of the world’s most efficient crime investigation and law enforcement bodies with a very large spectrum of operation in the US. A particularly British model of patrolling and law enforcement was prevalent during the first two centuries since the institution of Schout-fiscal as the law officers in the Dutch domains of America. From the evidences of literature, the inception of the organized form of the city police department took place in 1844. As the first large scale operation of the NYPD under the leadership of Matsell, the Chief of Police, a force of around eight hundred personnel started patrolling in the city in 1845. As Berry (2000, p. 4) points out, the NYPD was set up with the focus of peaceful social life in the five boroughs of the demography of the city, and under the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt, the organization was liberated from the political influences to stand as an independent body of law enforcement. Now the NYPD is the largest policing agency in the US with the power and efficiency to use ultra modern weapons and sophisticated technology to trace criminals and in most cases, prevent crimes in advance. 1. A. Mission of the NYPD The NYPD is all fit to care for the public safety and the prosp erity of the community by adhering to its organizational missions and objectives. As the largest legal system in the country, the expectations of the department are very high and have to be maintained with high integrity among the personnel. The mission of the NYPD is a conglomeration of the missions of many departments interlinked in the organizational structure. The functional missions of these departments jointly work for the effect of reduced crimes and sustainable social and personal security for individuals, organizations and properties in the city of New York (mission statement, NYPD). The mission of the Property Clerk Division is to procure and produce the properties as evidence required by the judiciary and return or dispose them after due trial of the case. The support service bureau is the backbone for the monitoring of crimes and locations in a high-tech way with the access of internet and GIS and GPS systems. Another unit of the NYPD governs the counterterrorist operati ons in the city which the primary operational group against terrorist attacks and plots within or outside the city. The Crime Prevention Section has its motive to provide deterrent measures to reduce crimes in the city with the involvement of general public. The Crime Preven