Monday, December 23, 2019

Cognitive Development Cognitive Change - 1598 Words

Assignment 3: Cognitive Change As we grow older we are challenged not only by our physical limitations, but also by our cognitive ones. Many older adults are handicapped by mental constraints while the majority are also experiencing a decline in cognitive capacity. It is estimated that 24 million people are suffering from dementia (Ballard et al., 2011). Because this number is so large growing older is often associated with memory loss along with other mental deficits. This is not always the case though and it is not just older adults’ cognitive function declining with age. To help me understand cognitive aging more fully I spoke with Jane, this is a pseudonym. The background for Jane is traditional, she is a Caucasian woman in her mid-70s who is married and has 4 children. She also is from Ohio, has a law degree, and was a professor before she retired. Cognitive decline has had little effect on her life and she has not experienced a great deal of it. She encounters only minor memory loss, which she describes as having a â€Å"senior moment.† Overall, her memory has largely stayed intact and is above average for her age. Multitasking has not been as effective at her current age, but she is aware that not one is actually successful at multitasking. The faà §ade that this can be done well has merely worn off; she holds the belief that when you are trying to multitask you only pick up pieces of information, and you don’t truly absorb all of the information that is being presented toShow MoreRelatedThe Development Of Knowing : Cognitive And Moral Changes Essay832 Words   |  4 PagesThe Development of Knowing: Cognitive and Mor al Changes The development of a person is complex and occurs on many levels. 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