Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Reasons I Chose Music - 2094 Words

I chose to use the medium music to explore how the music I listen to, sing, and play help me deal with stress. The reasons I chose music as my chosen medium are because I feel like it represents me the best. I find it very easy to relate to music, there is something about the lyrics, music, the instrument used to play the songs, and the emotions you can put into and hear in music that draws me in. Music makes me feel free, it allows me to escape from my troubles, my mind, and the world. Everything disappears and I become lost in the sounds and emotions it produces. Another reason for choosing music as my medium is the fact that I grew up with it. My siblings had all started piano and singing lessons by the time I was born, so as a baby I†¦show more content†¦On days I have class this time is usually when I am on the bus travelling to and from the college, so I get lots of time for my music on those days. Simply put I love music, and it has become an essential part of me, that invokes not only happy and some sad memories of my childhood but thoughts of how I have my whole life ahead of me to create new memories as well. The 11 songs I chose are the ones that have helped me deal with past stress the best and they are: parts of â€Å"Fur Elise†, â€Å"I Won’t Back Down†, â€Å"Go Way From My Window†, â€Å"Poor Wayfaring Stranger†, â€Å"Amazing Grace†, â€Å"Danny Boy†, â€Å"You Are My Sunshine†, â€Å"Clementine†, â€Å"Pan’s Labyrinth Lullaby†, â€Å"Headphones†, parts of â€Å"Circles† by Hollywood Undead. Each song has a special meaning that I associate with it, although some of the meanings overlap. â€Å"Fur Elise† is special because it is a song that is so much fun to play on piano and to listen to. I grew up listening Stuart and Jocelyn, my older sibling, playing it all the time. Stuart would play it as fast as he possibly could, watching his fingers fly across the keys was exhilarating as a child. Then Jocelyn would come and play next, all tame and smooth compared to Stuart’s wildness. Both variations were beautiful, especially when they put expression in, hearing the music flow from loud to quiet from soft to powerful was amazing. The best part though was when they would play â€Å"Fur Elise† together, it was magical,

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